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Cooper Lab presents at SABER 2021!

The Cooper lab attended the 2021 SABER virtual conference!


Carly Busch: Coming out to the class: Students benefit from instructor revealing LGBTQ+ identity in a large-enrollment biology course

Logan Gin: Challenges and opportunities for students with disabilities in life science undergraduate research experiences


Anna Abraham: Instructor perceptions of student incivility in the online undergraduate science classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic

Carly Busch: To what extent do science and engineering instructors reveal or conceal potentially invisible identities to students? PhD student

Logan Gin: An exploration across institution types of undergraduate life sciences student decisions to stay in or leave an academic-year research experience.

Tasneem Mohammed: The Effects of online science learning environments on undergraduates with depression

Nicholas Wiesenthal: Exploring depression as a concealable stigmatized identity: factors that influence Ph.D. students to conceal or reveal their depression in graduate school programs

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