Watch the videos below to learn more about our research!
PI talks:
The Impact of Research and Teaching on Graduate Student Mental Health
Presenter: Katey Cooper
Host: Middle Tennessee State University
Students Who Analyze Their Own Data in a Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) Show Gains in Scientific Identity and Emotional Ownership of Research
Presenters: Katey Cooper and Maya Munstermann
Host: Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education (JMBE) Live!
Factors that predict student persistence in research: from lab environment to mental health
Presenter: Katey Cooper
Host: SEISMIC, University of Michigan
Host: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Why persons excluded because of their ethnicity or race (PEERs) are leaving undergraduate research experiences
Presenters: Cindy Vargas and Katey Cooper
Host: Arizona State University RISE Center
Identifying and lessening the challenges for undergraduates with anxiety and depression in biology learning environments
Presenter: Katey Cooper
Host: Physics Education Research Consortium of Graduates Students (PERCoGs)
Graduate student talks:
Coming out to the class: Instructor revealing her LGBTQ+ identity in a biology course
Presenter: Carly Busch, PhD student
Host: SABER 2021, recorded short talk
Challenges for students with disabilities in online course transition during COVID-19
Presenter: Logan Gin, PhD candidate
Host: SABER West 2021, recorded short talk
Undergraduate and graduate student recorded poster presentations:
Instructor perceptions of student incivility in the online undergraduate science classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic
Presenter: Anna Abraham, Undergraduate researcher
SABER 2021, recorded poster
To what extent do science and engineering instructors reveal or conceal potentially invisible identities to students?
Presenter: Carly Busch, PhD student
SABER 2021, recorded poster
Why undergraduate students in science leave research experiences
Presenter: Logan Gin, PhD candidate
Host: SABER 2021, recorded poster
The impact of large-enrollment online science courses on student anxiety
Presenter: Tasneem Mohammed, PhD student
Host: SABER 2021, recorded poster
Undergraduate student depression in online science learning environments
Presenter: Tasneem Mohammed, PhD student
Host: ASMCUE 2021, recorded poster
Factors that influence Ph.D. students to conceal or reveal their depression
Presenter: Nicholas Wiesenthal, PhD student
Host: SABER 2021, recorded poster
The effect of research and teaching on depression in Ph.D. students
Presenter: Nicholas Wiesenthal, PhD student
Host: ASMCUE 2021, recorded poster