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Cooper lab goes to SABER !


The Cooper lab attended the Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research (SABER) annual meeting at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis!

Tasneem presented a poster titled "The Upside to Depression: Undergraduates benefit from an instructor revealing depression in a large-enrollment physiology course."

Carly presented a short talk titled "Revealing an LGBTQ+ identity improves student-instructor rapport among undergraduate biology students in a randomized study."

Katey presented a short talk titled "Project Engage: A single session intervention increases undergraduate confidence in small group, whole class, and one-on-one discussions in active learning college biology courses"

Jynx presented a poster titled "Social comparison partially mediates disproportionately high fear of negative evaluation among women/non-binary and LGBTQ+ individuals."

Mary presented a poster titled "Hoping and Coping in Undergraduate Research Experiences: Attributions associated with hopelessness and how undergraduates cope with depression in research."

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